Category Archives: Past events

Seminar on ‘A fairer energy market for vulnerable consumers’

On 17 June 2014 the APPG held a joint meeting with the Fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency APPG to discuss how well the energy market works for vulnerable consumers. 

Marilyn Price of Stratford-upon-Avon CAB spoke first. She explained PPM users pay higher energy prices and often endure the loss of energy supply. Many feel the information suppliers provide on fuel costs was poor, making it difficult to manage money well. Continue reading Seminar on ‘A fairer energy market for vulnerable consumers’

Seminar on debt and mental health – Mental Health Awareness Week

On 13 May 2014 the APPG held a joint meeting with the Mental Health APPG on debt and mental health as part of Mental Health Awareness Week 2014.’s Martin Lewis opened by urging lenders not to disenfranchise those with mental health problems. He said borrowers need the option to constrain their credit use during periods of acute symptoms. This includes an automatic card block in response to unusual spending patterns – which a trusted friend could then unlock.  Continue reading Seminar on debt and mental health – Mental Health Awareness Week

Seminar on the cost of redress and fallout from the PPI mis-selling scandal

On 5 March 2014 a breakfast meeting was held to discuss the fallout from the PPI mis-selling scandal and the lessons to be learned.

Yvonne Fovargue MP chaired the meeting, inviting panellists to respond to a new report from Citizens Advice on claims management companies and the costs of redress. Continue reading Seminar on the cost of redress and fallout from the PPI mis-selling scandal

Seminar on FCA proposals to regulate payday loans companies

On 19 November 2013, the APPG on Debt and Personal Finance held a joint meeting with StepChange Debt Charity to discuss the Financial Conduct Authority’s proposals for regulating the payday lending sector.

The meeting provided MPs and members of the Group the chance to question the FCA directly on its proposals and feed in to its consultation. Continue reading Seminar on FCA proposals to regulate payday loans companies

Seminar on bailiffs

On 29 January the APPG on Debt and Personal Finance discussed regulation of the bailiff industry, hearing from consumer groups and trade associations.

Dr Steven Everson, from the Civil Enforcement Association, said that profit was not a “dirty word” in the sector even when the only source of income was from the debtor. Proposals from the MOJ would result in a clearer, less complicated system. Continue reading Seminar on bailiffs

Seminar on ‘Access to cash’

On 11 July 2012 the APPG on Debt and Personal Finance hosted a breakfast seminar to launch a new report from Citizens Advice called Access to Cash – Don’t Bank on It.

Director of Policy and Advocacy at Citizens Advice, Teresa Perchard, argued that after a decade of progress, with the development of a free cash machine network and basic bank account provision, the situation was now in reverse.

Continue reading Seminar on ‘Access to cash’

Evidence session on consumer detriment in the high cost credit and debt management markets

On Tuesday 7 February 2012 the APPG on Debt and Personal Finance MPs hosted an evidence session to explore the regulation of high cost credit and debt management services. Members of the APPG hope to improve the regulation of the consumer credit and debt management service markets. Continue reading Evidence session on consumer detriment in the high cost credit and debt management markets

Seminar on debt remedies and insolvency

On Wednesday 12 October 2011 Consumer Affairs Minister, Ed Davey joined parliamentary members of the APPG on Debt and Personal Finance to discuss debt remedies and insolvency. At the meeting, chaired by Yvonne Fovargue MP, the members discussed the Government’s response to the Consumer Credit and Personal Insolvency Review conducted by the Department of Business Innovation and Skills and the Treasury, which was published in July. Continue reading Seminar on debt remedies and insolvency